The following are the specific instructions for using ATT iPhone for international travel without incurring high international roaming charges (3Gs, 4 and 4s): Settings for iPhone 3GS: The instructions were somewhat incomplete, but with research I was able to fill in the missing details and the steps I took successfully shut off the 3G network (I have since traveled internationally for months without incurring any roaming charges).

Although it was a struggle to get the rep to agree to send me the appropriate information, she finally offered to send an email with instructions. Since I intended to access my email and the Internet solely through the hotel’s WiFi network, I asked AT&T for instructions to block the cellular network completely. Additionally, there are 1,000 KB in each MB, so if I was over my limit, opening a 2MB email would cost me $10! Obviously, this plan was not acceptable. If that all sounds like a lot of gibberish, let me put it in perspective: opening an email with a five megapixel picture in it or downloading a three-minute video on YouTube each require about 2MB of data, so it wouldn’t take long to eat up 20MB of data. Additionally, usage over 20MB would have been charged at $.005 per KB. The plan provides 20MB of usage within 65 countries, and the list of countries did not include my destination. Initially that seemed like a reasonable solution, until I read the small print. I started by calling AT&T and was told that I needed to add an International Calling Plan for $24.99 per month.

As an underpaid writer, I needed to make very sure this didn’t happen to me. I’d heard horror stories about people who used their ATT iPhone for international travel, only to discover they had mounted up thousands of dollars in cell phone charges upon returning home. When I traveled internationally for the first time after buying my iPhone, I was concerned about the potential for racking up huge phone bills.